As in Pee. Or, as The Daddler puts it - Piss. It always catches me by surprise when he says that, because he never cusses these days. Except for the occasional "damn" when I scare him with my driving. One of these days, I'm gonna pull over and make him drive. I'm sure he'd do a great job. Seriously.

To make matters worse, we had a thunderstorm last night. Both dogs are afraid of thunder. And they hate the rain. And my yard is a mud pit. Picture this. At 5:48 this morning, I was soaking wet and covered with mud. Trying to corral two dogs who had full bladders and colons, and very muddy paws.
Somehow, I made it through the day. Improvised. The Daddler wasn't too bad. We decided to divide and conquer. He maintained Lucy duties, and I handled Linus (a/k/a Bubba).
I was in the home stretch a little while ago. I'd fixed The D a good dinner, and I was cleaning the kitchen. He appeared. He mentioned an accident. I assumed it was Lucy, but I realized it wasn't her. It was Daddy. He showed me his pants, which were very wet. Said he felt the urge to go, but before he could stand up, it happened. I told him I'd schedule an appointment with his urologist. I told him to take a shower and put his clothes in the laundry basket. I was due to do another couple loads anyway.
I hope his eyes were just watering, but I saw a tear under his lower eyelid. All of a sudden, I was a new mother with a sick child. Fiercely protective, and scared to death to realize that I wasn't in control. That I'm in over my head.
I have my work cut out for me, but I can't think of a better way to spend my time. And selfishly, I hope that if I can love the unlovely, it'll come back to me in the end...
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