...is another man's treasure.
I've been watching Antiques Roadshow lately. That's a dangerous combination paired with my thrift shop addiction. There's the most incredible thrift store about two miles from my house. They do a huge volume, and the pricing is crazy. They might have a box of tampons for $12.98, and a priceless Picasso for $1.50. Ok, I'm exaggerating a little bit, but you get the idea.

So far, I haven't found any Picassos. But yesterday, I decided to get a jump on the Presidents' Day half-price sale, so I went by. And I found seven original oil paintings. They didn't really appeal to me and I figured somebody's grandma had taken art classes at the senior center. They were kinda primitive. Landscapes, including four of brick houses. They were relatively large - 16" x 20". One was unsigned and the other six had large, very legible, bright red signatures bearing the name "H. Hubbard." So I pulled out my handy-dandy smart phone, and googled away. Turns out this guy has an extensive Wikipedea page. And he was from Covington, Kentucky - my mother's home town. Weird, huh? He was something of a recluse. He was called Kentucky's Thoreau. Cool.

I did some research, and I saw some pretty impressive prices. Up to $6,000 on one site. And it was much smaller than mine. Unfortunately, you have to subscribe to look up closed auction results on art gallery sites. I found one, though, which specializes in a handful of artists, including Hubbard. They buy his work, so all I need to do is email some photos and shazam, I'll collect my winnings! How thrilling is that?
So I decided to buy all seven. Unfortunately, one of them wasn't priced. All the others were marked either $2.98 or $3.98. The lady manning the register refused to sell me the unpriced painting. A manager had to do the pricing, and there wasn't a manager on duty. I talked her into holding it for me until today. When I returned today, I asked five people if they'd seen it before it was unearthed. It was marked $3.98. Which means, after the 50% discount, I paid $1.99 for my treasure. Wow.
I'm pretty excited. Or, I should say, cautiously optomistic. I'll keep you posted...