A good friend introduced me to her when he gave me her book: Let's Pretend This Never Happened
Reading it made me feel much more normal. Really, though, it just made me embrace my weirdness - she makes it seem downright glamorous to be shrouded in strangeness.
Have you read David Sedaris? He's absolutely hilarious, too. I'm so hooked. Then there's Augusten Burroughs - he's kind of a darker version of Sedaris.
When I wright a book of my memoirs, I'm going to call it I Couldn't Make this Shit Up. Because I couldn't.
I've had several blog-worthy experiences lately, but I just haven't had time to chronicle them. Let's see... There's Sally's disastrous diarrhea episode. My latest David and Goliath thing (Carol v. Lowe's, this time.) Another mysterious crime case that called forth my inner Nancy Drew. These are just a few that come to mind. I'm sure there are more.
No time to write now. I'm on a deadline with the rental house. Tenants are signing the lease tomorrow. I have to finish it up, plus ten million other things to get the house ready. Fortunately, they're all relatively small things, but I need to get them done before they start moving in later this week. And then there are all the things I've put off in my frantic rush to wrap up the rental.
Oh, I just realized I'm way late on The Daddler's dinner.
So, that's all for now. Later...
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