My head is still really sore, and when I went for my follow up visit to my ortho doc today, they refused to x-ray my skull, so I made him feel it to see if it was cracked. He thought I was ok. He got confused about the second fall (yesterday), and hadn't even looked at my hip x-ray. When I explained about the baby gate and my aching hip, he poked around and said he'd let me know if anything looked damaged on the x-ray. I told him it was probably my inflamed bursa, and he asked me if I wanted another injection, and I told him the other ones hadn't helped, so no.
They removed my cast, which smelled like sour funk. My little finger is still really swollen, and I could see the ends of the two pins sticking out of my hand. I asked the doc if he could pull them out without a second surgery and he said no. I asked him why he couldn't just use tweezers. He said it would take pliers. I showed him the blister between my index and middle fingers and told him that I could've lost my fingers when they swelled inside the cast with no place to go. He laughed at me. I was serious. I asked him if my next cast could leave those two fingers free. He said it could but that the cast would rub against my middle finger and bother me. I told him my livelihood was at stake if I couldn't use my computer and that I didn't care.
I asked him if I could wash my hands with soap and water before I got my new cast. He said sure. He was standing in the hall when I was trying to get soap out of the dispenser and it wouldn't come, so I got a little rough and the cover popped off. Loudly. He looked at me and made some comment about my being accident prone. I finally got soap and water and it felt so good and clean. I have my new cast - I chose Carolina blue, and I can actually hold a pen. And my typing's much faster! So it's all good. Maybe I can even paint. I've been jonesin' for a little creativity.
Last but not least, I had another strange dream last night. A continuation of the one from the night before. It picked up when I headed to the wedding reception and it was winding down. I decided to get something to eat, and lo and behold, there was a picked-over suckling pig. There he was, complete with the apple in his mouth. And slathered in barbeque sauce. I wondered if that was why I couldn't find FF, and I felt, for a moment, like Charlotte, except a day late and a dollar short with my web. Just as well, because we all know how it ended for her.

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