One of the selling points of the Good House was the walk-in closet in The D's master suite. He and Mother used to hunker down in theirs when the tornado sirens were blaring. Mother would call me the next day to check on us, and invariably, I'd slept through the storm. I used to be a very heavy sleeper. Pre-Lucy. And Pre-Bulimic Beulah. And Pre-Kiddo. After Beulah threw up on me one night, I'm constantly on guard for retching sounds. And of course, when you have a baby, you hear every little sound. Oh, I forgot about the Psycho Squirrel right out of Caddy Shack. That landed me into group therapy. Which only contributed to my sleep-deprived insanity. That's a very, very long story. Think of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Sans ECT.
I can't talk about the Lucy sitch right now. Let's just say that she's been a little, ummm, neurotic. It's somewhat of a love/hate relationship. She made big points today, though, when she charmed my great (or is it grand?) niece and nephew. So sweet. I'm still mad about my sandals, though.
We had a great pre-Father's Day lunch. I had a nice nap. Took it easy. Even had a nice little respite with Kiddo on the patio. We're actually getting along these days.

It's almost 8, so I'm gonna mosey on along. Enjoy my incredibly cool and efficient new HVAC system. I need to give Lu-Lu a bath. Why, oh why, does she roll in the dirt? It's funny. I was thinking about my friend's dog Charlie, who was attacked by a neighbor's dog named Sally, and my Lucy. And the fact that she's a regular Pig Pen. Forget about the Tao of Pooh. Peanuts has all the answers...
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